Back from my Sabbatical, Let's talk Winter ARC

My memory of the last 9 and a half months is short and spotty; like a picture that never fully developed. I want to say, I did this or did that but I come up short every time I try to think of what I have been up to. In my defense, my brain; a well-oiled machine sometimes needs a memory juggle when I am presented with ornery situations. The shorter version of the truth will be something like, I had to take a much-needed sabbatical from writing. If you missed me, I apologize. Unfortunately, I cannot promise I won't skip town again like I did and not write but I will try to be a better communicator. The biggest news is that I finished grad school: It was an easy journey but I will not be so delusional and acquiesce to the fact that I am a glutton for punishment, hence no more academic adventures until the not-so-nearest future. I am right where I want to be academically and need no further say-so's. If anything I will give credit to the winter arc for my return but before I go on and on yapping, how have you been really?

I thought about a lot of things that had led up to this moment last week and drafted some parts of it I remembered but lost the zeal to type anything after that. Everything in my life is new and like all new things, it is shiny and mostly a blank space waiting to be filled. Today I want to talk about the winter arc and how you and I can make something magical out of the last few months of the year. 

The Winter Arc” refers to a period where individuals use the coldest, darkest days of the year as a means to refocus, pre-visualize, and arrive at their desired destination. I try to think of it as a commitment to myself and not just a period on the calendar. It becomes a pact to prioritize personal growth, cultivate a positive mindset, and nourish our bodies and souls. It’s a call to introspection, planning, and conscious action.

As the days grow shorter and the air crisper, we find ourselves stepping into the "gloomy part of the year". This period, typically is when a lot of people start to think of how their New Year resolution was scarcely met, or how they still haven't met target savings goals or weight goals. People like me just lament over the cold and darkness and fail to appreciate the serenity, beauty, and unique charm of its own that winter provides for transformation. Winter inevitably has a way of slowing the world down, the natural world retreats, and is often blanketed in snow making everything quiet and still. This slower pace feels like a pause button on the hustle of everyday life but in the real sense, it encourages us to breathe, to take stock of where we are, and to reset for the year ahead. The winter arc therefore becomes a season of introspection. The cold outside compels us to find warmth both physically, through the comforts of home, and mentally, as we turn inward to reflect on our goals, relationships, and personal growth. Perhaps one of the most beautiful aspects of the winter arc is that it is temporary. Just as the earth goes through a period of dormancy, we know that spring is coming, bringing with it renewal and growth. Winter is a reminder that life is cyclical, and after every period of stillness comes a resurgence of energy and life. In this sense, the winter arc mirrors our own journeys. We all experience periods of hardship or quiet introspection, but these times often lead to personal breakthroughs and new beginnings. Winter is not just a season of cold and darkness; it is also a season of hope and transformation, preparing us for what comes next. Across cultures, festivals like Christmas, Hanukkah, and the Winter Solstice reflect the themes of light emerging from darkness, hope, and renewal. These traditions remind us that, even in the darkest, coldest times, there is potential for rebirth. Winter often symbolizes endings, but more importantly, it represents the promise of new beginnings that follow.

What kind of a friend would I be if I didn't share some rules that I will be following this period, I will call them the Winter Arc Rules you shouldn't forget to reach your full potential before year's end.

  • First, set clear intentions defining what you want to achieve during the Winter Arc.
  • Next, create an action plan: Break your goals into smaller, achievable steps.
  • If you are a fitness bum or not prioritize exercise. Staying active will boost your physical and mental well-being.
  • Nourish your body by eating healthy foods for energy and vitality, this just goes without saying and I hope you didn't wait until now to do this.
  • Cultivate relaxation, meditation, deep breathing, or other calming techniques.
  • Get enough sleep, if you are a raging insomniac like me try to track your circadian rhythm to stay in tune with your regular hours of sleep. This ensures you’re well-rested for optimal recovery.
  • Connect with nature if you must by spending time outdoors to appreciate the beauty of winter.
  • Read and learn: Expand your knowledge and keep your mind curious.
  • Practice gratitude: I have a rather positive outlook these days even when things don't work out and it was borne out of having a grateful mindset. So appreciate the good or bad things in your life.
  • Spend quality time with loved ones and nurture your relationships.
  • Disconnect from technology: I have set limits on screen time and try to reduce how much media I consume weekly by tracking my activity on my phone. This will help you stay focused on things that need your focus.
  • Practice self-compassion and be less hard on yourself, in short, be kind to yourself. Sometimes plans fall through or life just gets super hard, but you are the constant that shows up.
  • Celebrate your achievements and recognize your progress, no matter how small.
  • Enjoy the journey and embrace the process of self-discovery and transformation as you begin plans for the new year.    
Just before I go, one important I am learning this season is that the winter arc is a time to embrace the quiet, find beauty in the stillness, and prepare for the renewal that follows. Whether you're reflecting on the past year, enjoying the coziness of home, or venturing into the winter wonderland outside, there’s something magical about this season. The winter arc, with its balance of darkness and light, challenges and rewards, teaches us about the cycles of life and the power of perseverance. So while the last 9 months might not have made any impactful difference or may come up spotty like mine, you still have the next 3 to make something out of the year. The key is to be less hard on yourself and enjoy getting transformed through the months left. I ultimately plan to check on you before the end of the year to see what magic came of this period, so hold me to this tiny promise.

Your Favorite Runaway Blogger
Helen Damilola 💓


  1. Anonymous10/05/2024

    Sounds and feels very refreshing reading this. Thank you for the reminder to look inwards.

    1. Anonymous10/06/2024

      Thank you for taking the time to read this. Hoping and praying this season is as transformative for you


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