BE MY VALENTINE (Newsletter 02)

And they said January is usually the longest month of the year; remind me to pay closer attention next year. But now that I think of what Janet Jackson said ' time flies when you are having fun ' it makes more sense because in January I had so much fun ergo the entire month went by so fast. TLDR you might want to catch up on the 1st newsletter to see what I did in January.


Bygones is what January is now and as fun as it was, I am not sure given the option of going back I would. How far have you waded your feet in the waters of February? For me, I started February with my all-time favourite prayer when I don't know what to do about anything ' This month feels like deep waters Lord and I am a lousy swimmer, scratch that I cannot swim at all so take absolute control ' This prayer was the easiest thing I could groan every time in the last year when I was supposed to pull a Michael Phelps even though I had never swum my entire life. It might come in handy for you too that's why I have shared it. I had hoped you would share what January felt like, but I understand that a good percentage of people in this world dislike January and had no headspace for reading anything let alone sharing. Thank God that the dread and gloom that hangs with it is finally evaporating. I hope you will tell me how great the first week in February is or how terribly sad you still feel. Remember I am your ever-present friend to cheer and sulk so lay it on me. 


February started off like a corvette with a turbocharged engine only that what it did not use in gas it used in my energy. I have been high strung and maybe I am paying all this hard work backwards since I spent January playing too hard. Believe me, when I say it hasn't been any fun as the auto lingos I have used as adjectives. If anything if I keep going at this pace I will burn out my tires in a month. I have still not found my way back to the gym but again it's college and I shouldn't worry so hard about looking like a house and not doing anything about it. As sarcastic as that sounds, I am not happy about how it looked like I had nothing to do one minute and I have everything to do in such a short time the next minute. These days when I randomly think of organized chaos, I don't look too far because indeed the apple has to have fallen from me. In a worthy bid to get rid of this negative energy, I will share some more good news since the last bit. First of all, I finally became a recognized member of my church in my small city and I joined the worship team. I know I don't even play huh? but these two things are the most beautiful part of the end of January and the start of February. I have amazing people to thank for their support and encouragement and I am happy that I am toeing the line of being more intentional in my walk with God.  I went on my first research trip and I was happy to discover a new purpose for breaking my back in graduate school; It has sort of made this entire process of moaning and grumbling worth it. 

My Sue's first wedding program is in 2 weeks and we have relaxed a teeny tiny bit on planning since we almost have everything in order. I am so excited and don't feel half as bad as a few months ago when I got the news and knew I couldn’t make it there in time. It is a rather hard and tight schedule for me this month and with a ton of things to do, I am happy to have been delegated to e-planning. FYI Sue is my baby sister. (Now you should definitely check this Newsletter 01). Somehow without being a worrywart like her older sister, she has lackadaisically planned her civil wedding all alone and I am so proud. I still at this age will not consent to any wedding ceremonies that have more than 5 people in attendance because my arteries might thin out too quick. 

There is not even in the slightest but largest chance that for the millionth time since I became an adult, I am celebrating St.Valentine's day all by myself again; such a bore. It is another year and my love prospects are either too far from me, too close to me but I don't see them or like Martha said just the other day maybe I am the unserious one. It has struck me again that I have found a way to make this about me. Your turn now; tell me all about your week, how hard you have been pushing and if unlike me you are a more serious debonair in the love world. If you think you might be in bed binge-watching Grey's or something else like me on the 14th, BE MY VALENTINE

Your favourite lover girl 

Helen Damilola 💗


  1. Nice. Haven't read your posts in a really long time. Something drew me here today. Glad I came

  2. Anonymous3/15/2023

    Thank you for taking the time to read


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